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Find your next job with CCDEX! Job Connector instantly matches you with jobs in your area, specific to your skills and trade. Swipe right to match, swipe left to pass.
Get instantly notified of new jobs in your service areas. Swipe left or right to quickly browse through jobs that match your skillset. Job bidding and client communication has never been easier!
Our project management tools help you complete jobs quicker and reduce your unpaid time. Plan your tasks, track your time, get feedback and manage your clients all right from the app!
Expand your business and make new connections with CCDEX. Improve your ratings, client reviews or add a portfolio to get awarded more jobs. Find more work today!
Finding new jobs is easy with CCDEX. Turn on the job connector to instantly match with new jobs in your area.
We will connect you with contractors or clients looking for someone with your skills or trades.
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